Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A good book

I LOVE reading to my children.
In fact, I think it makes me happier than just about
Every night I am surrounded by my three angels as we dive into our books. They make us laugh, teach us, and just plain entertain us. BUT, the very best part of reading to them is the snuggling. Seth and Sarah each lean on a shoulder and Luke is usually on my lap. We read all kinds of books, but they usually love the funny ones the most :) I don't remember much about my mother...but I do remember her reading to me. And I remember when I turned 7 my dad read the Book of Mormon to me that whole year so that we could finish it by the time I turned 8 and was baptized. I hope my children remember reading with me.
I know I will remember snuggling with my babies.

1 comment:

Circus Ringleader said...

me too! We always read before naps (it's my only incentive to offer for naptime)Check out my favorite sites list for a blog about reading to your child. It's under "on the lap".