Friday, May 20, 2011

Lovely day :)

It is a lovely day here in Utah. It is the fifth straight day of rain and the kids and I are really enjoying it. Maybe it is the little girl in me that always dreamed of rain like this...yet somehow the southern Ca sky never let loose. I just served the kiddos some hot cocoa....I have vowed to not eat sweets for a week, but I may or may not have tasted the hot cocoa ;)
I have good reason for not blogging in so desktop is broken. It won't stay on most of the time, and when it does, it won't let me upload any pictures :( This makes me very sad..I have some adorable pictures that I am dying to show off. My kiddos just get cuter as the days go by. I have been begging the Hubs for a new laptop..but he is not giving into my pleas.....yet ;)
Things are good with my pregnancy, no problems at all. My sweet baby girl is a mover. She kicks me ALL the time. I really enjoy it. I feel like this will be our last baby, so I am trying to enjoy all the little things I love about being pregnant. I am due August 23rd, but they are going to induce me a week early on the 16th, so I am actually excited to be able to plan a bit better this time.
Seth is no longer a kindergardener! He graduated today. I can't believe how fast time went by this year! He is reading really good...his Grandma and Grandpa sent him 12 magic tree house books for his birthday, so we are doing a lot of reading right now.
Sarah is doing great. She is looking forward to preschool this coming year..I have signed her up for head start...but we won't know until July if they have spot for her. If not, I will try and find another preschool for her. She still loves to cook and bake, she is actually becoming quite the little chef!
Luke is still a happy boy that keeps us on our toes. He has learned how to make silly faces and it is the funniest thing ever!
We are still waiting to hear back from the BYU Accounting program..we will find out in July if Jimmy gets in. We are crossing our fingers, but never fear..anyone that knows my husband knows that he has a plan A,B, and C all lined up just in case he doesn't get in :)

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