Friday, June 4, 2010

Happiness Is.....

A while back a friend tagged my blog and I was supposed to write about 20 things that make me here are my happy things :)

Happiness is......
Being a mom
Being a stay-at-home mom
Watching my children enjoy each other
Walking barefooted on cold grass
Holding my baby
When hubby hugs me for no reason
When hubby and I agree on what to watch (rare)
Cooking a new recipe that turns out wonderful
The feeling I get when my house is clean
Reading a new book to my kiddos and seeing the delight in their eyes as they learn something new
Spending time with my hubby and kids without rushing or having other things on our minds
The knowledge of knowing where I came from and where i'm going
When hubby and I feel close to each other and can talk about anything
Hearing my children laugh
Hearing hubby laugh so hard he can't stop
Living in America
Having funny, little, "had to be there" jokes with my siblings
Having enough money, a home, and enough food to eat
Growing old with someone (even if he is grumpy sometimes)
Running (For those of you who know me and are saying "seriously"?...its a new thing I just started loving ;)
The feeling of a baby growing inside my tummy
Feeling my self grow and change as I tackle another unruly habit
My daddy
Taking pictures

Ok...that is just a short list of the things I love...if you weren't mentioned don't be alarmed.....Most likely if you are reading this, I love you :)

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