This is Seth's second season playing basketball. He loves it!
His daddy LOVES that he plays too. I think that is one of the main reasons Seth loves it so much....because it is something that he can share with his Dad. He gets really upset and doesn't play as good if his Dad can't make it to a game. And every time he makes a shot he looks around until he finds Jimmy in the crowd to make sure Daddy was watching. Jimmy yells the entire time Seth plays...(yep, he is one of those dads), but Seth loves it.
Seth plays really well. He hustles, passes well, shoots well, and does his fair share of goofing off also....
He is completely fair....when he passes the ball, he will pass it to each teamate and once he has passed it to everyone he starts over. He also will pass once, shoot once, pass, shoot, etc.. every time he gets the ball....(mathematical kid, just like his dad....everything has to have a plan and be in some kind of system).
I love watching him play. His confidence has grown so much since he played last season.
*Disclaimer....His jersey only says "JAZZ" because we live in Utah and that is what the league is called (Junior Jazz) and it is sponsored by the Utah Jazz.
We in no way support, endorse, or affiliate with the Jazz organization :-)
We are still 100% a LAKERS FAMILY!!!!!!!!!