Now that swimming lessons have ended...we have started going to storytime at our local library. The first time we got there at 10:02 instead of 10:00 and they would not let us in. They told me that "storytime begins promptly at 10:00" I had to literally drag Seth out of there hysterical because he had been so excited to go. The second time we went Sarah make a huge scene by running around pulling books off of the shelves. And today, well lets just say I don't know that we will be going back for awhile. Seth decided to get into an argument with the children's librarian. This is how it went:
Libraian- "
Sweetie, please don't run in the library"
Seth- "
I wasn't running"
L- "
Yes, you were. Please be careful"
S- "
I wasn't running, I was skipping"
L- "
Well, we don't run or skip in the library"
S- "
It's ok. I'm being very careful"
At this point the librarian didn't really know what to say and started to walk away from him. He stepped in front of her and started skipping again and said:
S- "
See? I am being very careful and not running. Just skipping."
At that point she just stared at me until I got Seth. As we were walking away from her Seth told me that "
skipping is careful, but running in the library is not". What can I say? He is Jimmy's son.